Cooper Robertson’s work on the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been featured in Green Building News:
“A major part of the project’s targeted LEED Silver status is the design plans for the building site itself, which include the collection, conveyance and retention of 85 percent of the stormwater that hits the site. The design includes cutting-edge resiliency practices to protect against storm-water and flooding through a combination of green roofs, rain gardens, and underground cisterns that are expressed as landscape features, according to partner Donald Clinton.
‘Because we are on the river, we are vulnerable to flooding,’ said Clinton. ‘One of the things we needed to do is to get building above the flood level.’ In terms of stormwater management, the building being located on the river — though making the campus more vulnerable to flooding — also allows for sending stormwater directly into the river without having to put it through the sanitary sewer system. ‘We have a combined sewer outfall that historically ran through the site,’ said Clinton. ‘The challenge for us was to size the stormwater system so we could send it out through that outfall.’”
Read more at Green Building News.